Minggu, 24 November 2019

7 lesser-known facts about Bikram yoga aka hot yoga - Times Now


Updated Nov 23, 2019 | 09:36 IST | Kirtika Katira

Bikram yoga has similar benefits as traditional yoga, such as stress reduction, flexibility and improved strength. Before starting the yoga sessions, check out 7 lesser-known facts about Bikram yoga.

7 lesser known facts about Bikram yoga aka hot yoga

Check out lesser-known facts about Bikram yoga aka hot yoga 

Key Highlights

  • Bikram Yoga was started by Bikram Choudhury
  • The entire routine consists of 26 poses along with two breathing exercises
  • This form of yoga is done in a room heated to 41°C with 40 per cent humidity

These days new forms of yoga are becoming popular among fitness enthusiasts, especially the unique ones. If you haven't heard, there are several new yoga forms like Goat yoga, Tantrum yoga, Laughter yoga and my favourite one is Karaoke yoga and all of them are gaining popularity amongst millennials. One unique but relatively older form of yoga is Bikram yoga. 

Bikram yoga aims at the relaxation of mind and body, it also improves physical fitness. This form of yoga is done in a room heated to 41°C with 40 per cent humidity. The entire routine consists of 26 poses along with two breathing exercises. One session usually lasts for 90 minutes.

7 lesser-known facts about Bikram yoga aka hot yoga

  1. Hot yoga was originally called Bikram Yoga which was started by Bikram Choudhury. And, other hot yoga styles like Power yoga and Ashtanga are inspired by Bikram Yoga. 
  2. Bikram yoga helps in the training of a marathon, especially in the mental aspect. As the mind gets ready for the conditions that a body goes through during a marathon.
  3. Bikram yoga helps in detoxifying your body through sweat. Unwanted elements like salts and metals get eliminated from the body in a one-hour Bikram yoga session.
  4. This yoga form helps in releasing mental and emotional stress and it helps in relaxing your mind and body. 
  5. It helps in building bone density, especially in the neck, lower back and hips. 
  6. A person can burn up to 180 calories in an hour with traditional yoga, however, people can burn up to 400 calories for men and 300 calories for women during a Bikram yoga session.
  7. It also improves flexibility and one can achieve a greater range of motion after doing hot yoga for a minimum of 6 months.

There is a slight difference between Bikram yoga and Hot yoga, however, the terms are used interchangeably. Hot yoga sessions may have a variety of poses, unlike Bikram yoga, in which the entire routine is set. And, the session time may vary too. 

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November 23, 2019 at 11:06AM

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